Saturday, January 12, 2008

Good Health for The Year 2008

Dr. Emmanuel K. Coomson

The cost of ill health has been difficult to determine adequately in this country as a result the whole nation; from the individual to the government has failed to consciously and adequately ensure good health for all.

Infections and infestations continue to be the major cause of morbidity and mortality in this country. Diseases such as malaria, enteric fever also known as typhoid fever, respiratory tract infections still top the chart in the Out Patient Department (OPD) record books. This is not surprising because sanitation in the country as a whole is nothing to write home about.

Lifestyle related diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, high blood cholesterol and concomitant strokes and heart diseases are also causing significant morbidity and mortalities in Ghana.

Poverty and ignorance are two bed fellows who have not been kind to the people of Africa. Out of ignorance people have acquired certain lifestyle which has led to their getting some diseases which they have poorly managed because of luck of fund to seek qualified medical attention.

Health is wealth. The sick person spends productive time in bed or in long queues at hospital. Money which could have been used for some productive venture is spent on transportation and hospital bills. If God does not intervene, one develops a permanent disability or dies. The vicious cycles of poverty and ill health ensure that the poor get poorer and die of even minor ailments as pursuit of good health comes at a cost.

There are fortunately a few things that can be done to derive wealth from ones health.

In this new year, everyone must endeavor to register with the national health insurance scheme in one's locality. It is important to find money to register yourself as well as all your dependants as well as renew these registrations on time so you can fully benefit from free health care when you need it.

It does not make sense to stay unregistered since every item you buy has a portion of the tax on it going into a fund for the insurance scheme. I have cared for a patient whose bills were over ¢3 million (GH¢300), who walked out of the hospital without paying a pesewa because she was covered by an insurance policy. I have also cared for a patient whose bills did not amount to ¢ 600, 000 (GH ¢60) and yet is still on detention in the hospital and accruing more debts because she is poor and has no insurance cover. The NHIS is real and is saving millions of Ghanaians nationwide.

Balanced diet is another crucial area of concern. If you do not eat well, you will spend that money you think you are saving on hospital bills. Simply put, ensure that all you eat has a component from these three baskets. The white basket has carbohydrates or energy-giving foods such as cereals, tubers and grains. The green basket has protective foods such as vegetables and fruits and the red basket has proteins or body-building foods such as meat, fish, eggs, beans, peas and nuts.

Most typical Ghanaian diets like kooko and koose, waakye, fufu and palm nut soup all with some fruits constitute balanced diets. Fruits are very important.

Try and keep away from pastries, soft drinks, fried rice, butter and oily food as much as possible. These foods have high calories but very little bulk and make you grow fat in no time.

Food hygiene is as important as having a balanced diet. Contamination comes from inadequate cooking as well as contamination after food has been cooked by people who handle the food or by vectors such as flies. If you buy food form outside the home, ensure the seller has a health certificate or a permit to sell food. Inspect the area where the food is cooked and sold if possible as well as the cooks and dispensers for good personal and food hygiene before buying any food. Remember, it is your money you are spending and it should not bring you diseases in the long run.

Excessive indulgence in alcohol has both social and medical consequences. It contributes to the carnage on our roads, domestic violence, self neglect, malnutrition, liver disease and mental illnesses. If you do not drink alcohol, do not start the habit. If you do drink, cut down your consumption until you finally quit altogether.

Smoking is also an expensive habit that must not be acquired in the first place. It damages all the organs of the body especially the heart and the blood vessels. It also causes a lot of cancers of almost all parts of the body. If you smoke you may need psychological as well as medical assistance to let go that habit. You must be mindful of secondary or passive smoking which is as dangerous if not more that active smoking itself.

Weight loss and adequate exercise helps keep the body fit and keeps disease away. It also keeps the mind fresh at all times. Check your weight in kilos and divide it by the square of your height in meters. The figure obtained is called the BMI or Body Mass Index. Normal BMI is 18-25. 25-30 is overweight, 30-35 is obesity and beyond 35 is severe or morbid obesity.

We gain weight when our energy or calorie input is more than or energy or calorie output. To lose weight reduce intake of high calorie foods and increase output by exercising.

Adequate exercise include any physical activity such as jogging, aerobics, skipping, cycling and swimming that makes you sweat for 30-40 minutes done at least 3 times each week. Adequate exercise depends on ones health status and body type and it ensures fitness, good heart function and helps reduce weight.

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