Saturday, January 12, 2008

Camera finds body weakness that leads to pain

The same technology used in movie special effects can help people in pain feel better, the operators of a Scottsdale health and wellness center claim.

Their system uses motion-capture technology to find areas of weaknesses in clients' bodies so they can combine exercise, massage and other techniques to work toward feeling better.

"We're taking the guesswork out of training," said Jerry Sanstead, co-founder of Macrotherapy in north Scottsdale.

Everyone wants to be happy, healthy and successful, Sanstead said, but happiness and success are compromised without a bill of good health.

Joel Mascaro, a doctor of osteopathic medicine, said he has referred several patients to the center because the testing is so "specific."

Often the area where a patient feels pain is not where the weakness is, Mascaro said. This technology isolates the problem, which allows people to work on strengthening the weaknesses to create a balance.

Pam Soto, 51, a grandmother of three, suffered from lower-back pain and came to Macrotherapy after she had "exhausted all other avenues," she said. "I want to play with my grandchildren."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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