Sunday, July 8, 2007

Socialized medicine harms a nation's health

Can we read the handwriting on the wall?

The English government socialized its medical system and precipitated a lack of providers. So, they imported them, often with special visas/permits because of particular skills. The enemy of Britain qualified themselves.

The enemy came, they saw, and they are trying to conquer.

Great governments crumble from within when they desert their founding principles (usually for principals).

The Declaration of Independence says we are endowed with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness rather than a guaranteed comfort without any personal effort. Giving away property that you don't own, including intellectual property, for votes, for personal political gain is a potential plank in one of our party's platform.

The British socialized medical scheme by its present existence, as noted above, is a failure - from medical care to the security of England. And we are talking again about "Hillary Care," which has already been rejected by our courts.

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